CT Scanner

Advanced refurbished and used CT Scanners at an attractive price. No matter the size or financial circumstances of your facility, we can help you fulfill the commitment to provide the very best for your patients. This way you can afford up-to-date technology and provide a wider variety of high-quality services to your patients, while supporting profitability.

  • 16-Slice CT Scanners: Ideally suited for higher-use diagnostic facilities for routine CT studies, CTA, trauma, and advanced motion-sensitive applications such as CT colonography and pulmonary studies.
  • 64-Slice CT Scanners: Expanding clinical boundaries in cardiac, pulmonary, pediatric imaging, and emergency care.
  • 128-Slice CT Scanners: For facilities confronted with increasingly complex clinical requirements, rising numbers of patients, and expected to perform at the limits of capacity every day.

Each project is customized and scaled to your specific needs. With expertise in all of the most critical details including financing options, site-planning, equipment selection, and implementation, we are uniquely positioned to lead you through this major investment.

Let’s collaborate and identify a system that will best meet your specific imaging needs.

Have questions? Inquire today.

Contact Sales

(407) 461-9054



